قبل الحادث بشهر 1998

الأربعاء، 13 أكتوبر 2010



Dystonia does not define who you are

People with all forms of dystonia have been able to become educated, work, remain independent and active, date and marry, enjoy children and family, and live productive fulfilled lives. Individuals may have to adjust activities and lifestyle to incorporate dystonia, but having this disorder does not define who you are

Dystonia includes a wide variety of symptoms and characteristics, and each person with dystonia is unique. At this time, there is no way to predict the prognosis of the disorder. Most cases of primary dystonia (both generalized and focal forms) will usually stabilize within five years of onset. Even when stabilized, symptoms may fluctuate. For example, stressful situations may make symptoms temporarily worse. Currently, no medication or therapy can prevent progression from happening. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can often minimize the impact of symptoms and improve or maintain a person’s ability to function in everyday activities